Children’s Dental Clinic

Hua Chiew Hospital, a social enterprise, operates as a comprehensive medical facility, providing general and specialized healthcare services across all medical disciplines (Tertiary care hospital). Our pivotal policy emphasizes reasonable and justifiable service rates.

Hua Chiew Hospital, a social enterprise, operates as a comprehensive medical facility, providing general and specialized healthcare services across all medical disciplines (Tertiary care hospital). Our pivotal policy emphasizes reasonable and justifiable service rates.

Children’s Dental Clinic at Hua Chiew Hospital

offers a comprehensive range of specialized dental services for children. Our services include pediatric dental health examinations, fluoride application, dental fissure sealing, cavity restoration, pediatric root canal treatments, Stainless Steel Crowns (SSC) for children also known as “Celestial Tooth Crowns or Angelic Tooth Crowns”, and orthodontic interventions. These services are administered by specialized pediatric dentists and orthodontists, ensuring expert care tailored specifically to children’s dental needs. Experience the epitome of dental excellence at our facility, where we prioritize the aesthetic and functional aspects of children’s oral health.

Pediatric Dentistry

Dental Examination: It is recommended that children undergo their first dental examination when their primary teeth erupt, typically within the first year of life or, at the latest, by the age of one. This initial examination provides an opportunity for a thorough dental check-up and invaluable guidance from a pediatric dentist on proper oral care for children.

Dental X-rays for Primary Teeth: Dental X-rays are essential for assessing interproximal surfaces of teeth when they are closely adjacent (interdigitated). Visual examination alone by the dentist may be insufficient to detect cavities between tightly positioned teeth. Therefore, dental X-rays of the posterior teeth are conducted every 6 months, predominantly in children aged 3-4 years and older, to identify cavities.

Fluoride Application for Cavity Prevention: Children should undergo dental check-ups every 6 months, accompanied by fluoride application administered by a dentist. Fluoride application can be in the form of varnish or gel, such as fluoride varnish or fluoride gel. This preventive measure aims to reduce the incidence of dental caries by promoting mineral accumulation and inhibiting mineral dissolution on tooth surfaces (demineralization).

Pediatric Tooth Crowns (Celestial Tooth Crowns, Angelic Tooth Crowns)

Dental Fissure Sealing in Molar Cavities: In molars exhibiting deep fissure cavities, which serve as reservoirs for bacterial plaque accumulation and are susceptible to dental caries, a resin sealant is employed to raise the floor of the fissure cavity, minimizing bacterial retention. This procedure is recommended for genuine molars or primary molars with deep fissure cavities.

Dental Filling: When incipient caries manifest as whitish or opaque spots on tooth surfaces, immediate filling may not be imperative. However, meticulous oral hygiene practices are encouraged. If subsequent examination reveals cavities or pits on tooth surfaces, dental instruments (e.g., dental explorer) should be utilized to assess the condition. Dental fillings are then promptly administered by a dentist, involving removal of compromised tooth portions and sealing with a durable restorative material, restoring functionality akin to a normal tooth.

Pediatric Root Canal Treatment (Root Canal Treatment for Primary Teeth): When caries penetrate deep into the dental pulp, causing nocturnal pain or persistent discomfort related to food impaction or gum swelling with pus discharge, root canal treatment can be performed to retain the affected tooth without extraction. This procedure aims to preserve the primary tooth for chewing function, creating space for the eventual eruption of the succedaneous permanent tooth. The treatment, encompassing root canal therapy and tooth crowning, typically spans 1-2 sessions and is administered by a dentist.

Pediatric Root Canal Treatment (for Primary Teeth)

Gap Guard Installation and Anti-Fall Tooth Guard
(block gaps, overcome)

Removable Orthodontic Appliances

Pediatric Tooth Crowns with Stainless Steel Crowns or SSC (aka Celestial Tooth Crowns, Angelic Tooth Crowns):

For extensively decayed larger-sized teeth, where conventional dental filling materials may be prone to fracture or dislodgement, or in cases where root canal treatment has been administered to preserve primary teeth (milk teeth), the thin and delicate nature of the treated teeth might render them susceptible to breakage. In such instances, the dentist may consider the application of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel crowns. This intervention aims to enhance the strength and durability of the tooth, allowing it to function similarly to a normal milk tooth.

Installation of Protective Appliances (Gap Guards, Anti-Fall Tooth Guards): In cases where dental issues prevent the filling or preservation of primary teeth, such as residual root fragments or large-sized abscesses at the root tips, necessitating extraction, dentists may consider the placement of space maintainers. This is particularly relevant for very young children who must wait an extended period for the eruption of permanent teeth. The purpose of employing these space maintainers is to prevent adjacent teeth from encroaching into the void left by the extracted tooth. This proactive approach safeguards the space for emerging permanent teeth beneath the primary tooth extraction site, mitigating the risk of complications or impeded eruption of subsequent permanent teeth.

For pediatric patients with minor malocclusions, such as mild crowding involving one or two incisors, consideration may be given to the use of removable orthodontic appliances during the mixed dentition phase (including both primary and permanent teeth, typically occurring between 6-12 years of age). In this approach, children are actively engaged in the process of taking off and putting on the orthodontic appliance, emphasizing the importance of maintaining optimal oral hygiene throughout this treatment. Note: The information provided is a general representation and may require customization based on specific clinical considerations. It is advisable to consult with a qualified dental professional for individualized treatment recommendations.

For further details, please contact the Customer Relations Department at 0-2223-1351, extension 3126.

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